MAIN PHOTO: Hearing Care Associate Rob Tiller from Beckenham Hearing handing over the donation to Reverend David Jones at St John’s Church


With temperatures set to remain low in the coming weeks, Beckenham Hearing has made a donation to help continue the vital work at a warm centre in the heart of Eden Park.

The warm centre located within St John’s Church in Beckenham was established to help local residents struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and unable to afford essentials such as heating. Open three days a week, it offers refreshments and a warm space for people to enjoy within its Green Bird community café.

Neil Daniel, Lead Audiologist and Owner of Beckenham Hearing found out about the scheme and decided he wanted to do something to help:

“My team and I had recently been chatting about ways we could try and give something back to our local community, and we then heard about the work St John’s Church was doing, literally just around the corner from our practice.”

“This winter has been exceptionally hard on many people, with the costs of everything rising, none more so than energy bills. We’re glad that this donation has helped the St John’s Church continue its vital work in providing a welcoming and warm space for local people.

David Jones, Reverend at St John’s Church was very grateful for the donation:

“We would like to send a big thank you to Neil, Rob and the team at Beckenham Hearing for their very generous donation of £100. The money will be put directly towards funding our free family movie nights. In light of the ever-increasing cost of living, we want local families to be able to enjoy recent film releases at no charge in a warm and welcoming environment.”

For more information about local warm spaces please click here.

For more information about St John’s Church in Beckenham please click here.